Here's the tut about the finding the forgotten wifi password. Some times we can't remember wifi password and we cannot use wifi services of our modem. Here is the way from which you will be able to know your forgotten WIFI Password. The Trick is very simple. You have to do simple steps that i have mentioned below.
1. Type CMD in the Run.2. Type ipconfig in the CMD box.
3. Copy the Default GateWay Ip Adress that you got in the CMD box.
4. Now paste that IP Adress in the Adress bar of your browser.
Now it will ask for the password. Give Admin & Admin for both Username and password.
5. Now Go to WIFI Tab from the advanced settings and copy your wifi password. And enjoy your wifi.
If you are unable to open your Modem Settings then Reset Your Modem by Pining Some thing in the Modem like the below pic. This will restore your modem to default settings.
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